There are few things which I view with a need-it-now mentality, in particular when it comes to education. It might suck to learn long division as a disgruntled youth, but it pays dividends later in life when you can calculate things fifty times faster than someone who needs a calculator.
Similarly, I didn’t buy the Joey L DVD thinking it would change my Photoshop skills overnight, but rather, over time it would either have a positive, or absent affect. The purpose of this extended After-the-Honeymoon review is to look at how the material from the Joey L DVD affected my photoshop and photography capabilities – after the initial joy of buying another digital imaging product had worn off.
First: Why Buy a DVD Tutorial?
The main criticism of the Joey L DVD Tutorial in various internet circles is that it’s overpriced, and doesn’t show anything that can’t be learned on the internet, either for free, or via modest monetary costs. So why buy it?
It’s true, there are countless opportunities to learn Photoshop and Photography on the web. Sites like Scott Kelby, Layers Magazine, Photoshop User TV, Dr. Brown, and a number of random totally free videos and written tutorials (often with sample files) are sitting there in virtual space, begging to be viewed. There’s also libraries of books on-hand dealing with every aspect of Photoshop.
I also know from experience that a number of the tutorials are little more than simple near-pointless tips on using curves, the healing brush, and converting to Black and White. Not all of course, the paid ones have more real value and there are many gems at Layers Magazine. However, my main experience is that many almost universally use bland uninspiring images for their examples, and often times it feels like I’m watching a copy of a copy of a copy. I was looking for something more original to supplement my Photoshop education.
One main draw of the Joey L DVD tutorial is that Joey Lawrence is an actual working photographer. A dynamic beacon of creativity in an industry of imitators. The draw of learning from an active Pro is unique for me, as I often have the feeling that too many tutorials are done by people who realized it was more profitable to teach Photoshop instead of being a photographer. This is probably a pessimistic view, and there’s really nothing wrong with that business model, I encourage folks to make money in any legal fashion they wish, and teaching is one of the noblest professions. Still, I get my science education from world class-researchers. Why skimp on my Photoshop education?
A tutorial like the Joey L DVD instantly makes me think of photography workshops. Workshops are popular from a few perspectives; when you get to the point as a photographer that you want to expand your creative consciousness or skills in a certain areas, or you travel to some distant hard-to-organize location. Workshops are generally considered to be money-well-spent, and in general I would never spend money on a workshop because many just seem like an excuse for people with too much money to pay someone to tell them to use their camera equipment. There are exceptions, if David Hobby or Don Giannati flew into Zurich for a Strobist or Lighting Essentials workshop, I’d probably be there to welcome them at the airport. Basically, I wanted a Photoshop tutorial, and the Joey L DVD seemed like a good fit.
Another main criticism is that Joey doesn’t teach good Photoshop technique. From a technical stand-point I’d say this is true – but if I was technically a Photoshop whiz, I wouldn’t have bought the Tutorial in the first place. The Joey L tutorial is primarily about using destructive editing techniques and just doing what "seems" right for the image – you know, to make it look good. I don’t really think this is a bad thing. This is what artistic expression is all about, if you stick to rigid guidelines in books and always listen to your teachers, you’ll always be one step behind your peers and more or less copying from the old Master’s.
If you copy what Joey does point-for-point, you’re not learning anything that a monkey couldn’t learn (yes, it could take a generation or two of breeding and genetic engineering). Anytime you’re confronted with a large, intimidating construct like biomechanics, quantum physics or Photoshop, playing around isn’t such a bad thing – and should be encouraged. "Playing around" has brought more ground breaking discoveries than I care to list, including penicillin and bubble wrap. Playing in Photoshop is an important lesson I’ve taken away from the tutorial, which is also how Dave Hill developed his legendary style that so many geeks try to achieve. This doesn’t mean I use the techniques Mr. Lawrence has described in his tutorial. I do Photoshop with my own workflow and so should you. But it’s not bad to learn from someone who isn’t using Adobe standard practices.
Ah, But the Cost
The Joey L DVD is not cheap, but education is what the student makes of it more so than what the teacher teaches. This is contrary to many philosophies of modern pedagogy, but after going through three engineering degrees and a few semesters as a teaching assistant, I feel comfortable saying that a motivated student will learn no matter how dimwitted the professor may be. Ahhh, but inspiration from a teacher, is sometimes priceless. The Joey L DVD was inspiring for me, and that is hard to put a dollar sign on. But it might not be for other pupils.
Draw Like the Maple Tree Young Grasshopper
I feel like the DVD has helped open up the horizons of Photoshop. This doesn’t mean that now I think that every photo needs to emulate Dave Hill and Joey Lawrence, it just means that my mind is more open to what I can do with the raw image – and the DVD Tutorial had a part in that.
I love to draw and do images on paper, but I’ve generally felt constrained in Photoshop, "Hmmmm, I should make layers with correct names and make sure I can go back and change everything." So, again one of the important lessons from the Joey L DVD is that a desire to play in Photoshop is essential, the program is a tool, not a defined process. My Photoshop skills are getting more fluid and playful, which opens up more creative directions in photo manipulation – and hence visual expression.
Was the Joey L Tutorial a good buy?
After 4 months, I’m still comfortable with the amount of money I threw down for the Joey L DVD. I come back to it and replay a lesson here and there when I need to, thinking back to the techniques, imagining how to use and create them differently, and often also disregarding them and doing something different.
I like being able to replay different lessons quickly, and then go back to other projects – something you can’t do with a workshop (unless they include a DVD). I’ll probably never buy another DVD like this again (ok, maybe one), the exception being the forthcoming Strobist DVDs or the offerings from Lighting Essentials.
Why not go crazy buying more DVDs? Because I’ve hit the point where all the other fine points of Photoshop can be easily found or discovered, maybe I didn’t need to buy the Joey L DVD to get to this point, but that’s the way I’ve arrived here, and I don’t regret the path I’ve taken.
Brass Tacks
Here’s the thing, with Photoshop I was looking for a spark, something to open the flood gates and broaden my horizons on this subject of digital post-processing. The Joey L Tutorial DVD did that – exactly that – I see images in layers and masks and color shifts and shadowed hues now. When I look at setting up a shot, I think about the post-processing, the way the lighting will define how the image can be manipulated later. This isn’t a certain style, it’s an addition to my digital visualization abilities – the same as visualizing a wide angle effect before taking a picture. The horizons for communicating a certain message have now been expanded.
Could the Joey L Tutorial DVD have been done better? The crazy thing about the Joey L Tutorial DVD is that it could have been one of the most fantastic photography-centered Photoshop learning tools ever created – if it had been created with an eye towards integrating the lighting and photoshop techniques. However, it doesn’t take long to see for yourself which type of images "work" and which ones "don’t" based on their lighting. No Photoshop action can "fix" images which don’t have the right lighting to start with. That’s the shortcoming of the Joey L DVD, the lighting-processing connection is mostly missing. However, playing around with different images and the Joey L actions will quickly reveal how lighting affects the post-processing.
Here’s an example, both of the images shown below were processed using the Joey L Signature Action, and should be slightly representative of how this technique works. It’s pretty obvious how the first image doesn’t really look all that great. It’s flat and desaturated, and more or less boring. This is because the face and torso are turned away from the light source, and all we have is definition of the jacket. However, the second image is better-lit, and renders the deep-grudge shadows much better than the first one. Once you see which type of images and lighting combinations work it’s easy to draw up in your mind how to design shots specifically for this type of deep-shadow processing.
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Poor lighting, only shadow and definition in the jacket | Better lighting, good shadow definition of the arms, torso, and face. |
Monkey See Monkey Do?
There is a pervading attitude from many dark corners of the web that if you buy his DVD to learn from someone like Joey Lawrence, you’re trying to adopt or steal his look/style instead of developing your own. If such an attitude existed in the scientific research world, we’d still be riding horses and the telegraph would probably be 200 years from being invented. In general everything has been done before. There are very few truly new things. There was Dragan, people copied him by creating Photoshop actions, Joey Lawrence no doubt learned from these influences, and developed his own style. He made a DVD, I bought it, and here we are. That’s how progress and the evolution of style sometimes works in the digital imaging world.
As you move through life you learn things – and the knowledge you retain becomes tools which you can use to do other things: build bridges, take pictures, climb mountains, relax on a beach. The real mistake is not learning as much as you can and using those tools as desired. I didn’t set out to imitate Joey Lawrence, or to create iconic art that will stand the test of time. But if that iconic art thing happens, well – cool.
The Joey L Tutorial DVD is just an addition to my photography digital image making toolset, what comes next no one knows. Should you buy the Joey L DVD Tutorial, or that Canon 85 mm lens or that Nikon D300? Will a set of Profoto strobes make you a better photographer? Figure out what you "need" to accomplish what you’re seeking to accomplish – acquire those tools, and then go write your book, develop your look, live your life, whatever.
No one single piece of knowledge or equipment will improve your skills in life unless you’re motivated to push yourself to the next level, but once you know how things work…well, maybe I’m working on my own tutorial DVD…
I have read your articles and it is an eye opener. I will surely used your points since am using photoshop right now and still a newbie with it. I do agree that buying the DVD version is much better.
“As you move through life you learn things – and the knowledge you retain becomes tools which you can use to do other things: build bridges, take pictures, climb mountains, relax on a beach. The real mistake is not learning as much as you can and using those tools as desired.”
Excellent thought! And it’s really important that you should never stop. Because if you do you loose so much that you’ll never make up for the lost again.
Thank you Joey.
The dvd isn’t worth buying! Hopefully nobody will waste their money because like you said his techniques are not original and they are free on the web. For $299 you can get an array of items for your camera that will actually benefit you. The hack you mention with lighting essentials is knowledgeable about lighting but his photos look like they are straight from the 80’s. Nothing original or cutting edge about his work. Anybody looking for tutorials check out and for free actions.
I wouldn’t say the DVD isn’t worth buying, some people will get a lot out of it, some people will get very little. While $299 will buy a lot of things that can benefit your photography, it could also go towards gimmicks which will worsen a person’s craft (like a Lens Baby for example).
Lighting Essentials is definitely not a hack. There’s a ton of good lighting info there, you can make it look like the 80’s or the 20’s, it all about how to light and figure out what you like for yourself. is pretty cool in some ways, but the Lynda tutorials I received with the Adobe Creative Suite weren’t much better than the free ones you can get online.
Basically with the tutorial thing, you just need to learn enough to teach yourself how to learn. Beyond that everything can be found in the Adobe help manual and through practice.
I am Very thankful to the owner of this blog. This blog is very imformative for me. This is one of the best articles i’ve ever read about Photoshop Tutorials!
Thanks a lot!
Thanks again for your lucid perspective!
“you just need to learn enough to teach yourself how to learn. Beyond that everything can be found in the Adobe help manual and through practice.”
And that’s exactly how I try to teach – but that’s not how people prefer to learn. It seems that the ‘hook’ of style or popularity are often that ‘seed’ of motivation.
And the beauty of the sunset watched from the ridge, is sweetened by sweat of the climb to get there – much like the learning of new techniques.
I’m no photographer, but i do know that if you want to make it in the industry, you can’t take someone elses style.
If you want to learn and do your own thing with Photoshop then you have to start somewhere.
I think Joey’s DVD is a great investment, sure it’s a lot of money. But you will learn things about Photoshop that you may already know about but not fully understand how to use. If you get a head start on your career and understand that Joey is not out to impress everyone, then you to will realize that what he is doing is getting people started, and you should feel appreciative for him giving everyone else his knowledge and helping you all along.
Not many people would willingly hand out all of their techniques to young people who want to become successful in photography.
Take that and make of it what you wish.
What a well written, informative review. Thank you.
"Not many people would willingly hand out all of their techniques to young people who want to become successful in photography."
Yeah they would! For $299 a pop anybody would. It is definitely overpriced.
You pulled my comment and added review?
wow… but i do see JL comented in his what it is not on his website/blog for his new tut dvd… interesting – at least i was heard if not listened too. – Must have hit JL's ego nerve or something.
So Joey L – the guys that write the books for $29 bucks at Barnes and Noble are not in the industry? You knowledge further astounds me – or are those assumptions.
A workshop – More than half are not worth it – and yes much more expensive than your DVD. But at least you get to shoot something.
As far as your statement knowledgeg is key – Not in your case – you prove it's Who you know – not what you know – that is key and leads to success.
I can name a hunderd more progressive photogs out there – not saying you can't take a picture – but they are much more progressive in style – hence talent – they just obviously don't knw the right people. Thought they are successful.
Your dvd is over priced – and under nurioushed for knowledge.
Unprogressive – and lacking.
If your ego can't handle the posts i make here… then why offer to have us make them?
Hi Your Kidding right,
You're currently posting to my follow-up review of the DVD. Naturally I left your first comment on my original review where you posted it, which is found here:…
This just needs a big star with "BUY IT NOW" in flashing yellow text. If you look at the reviewer's comments, it is obvious that this info can be found elsewhere (better info, in fact) for free, so the $299 is a pure waste of cash. Put it toward a new lens, or a new dildo for your gf for that matter. Anything but the coaster you will receive from here. This review is contradictory and therefore biased in my opinion.
All info can be found elsewhere, only fools pay for a chemical engineering degree, and there's no point in heading to MIT to study physics when you can get all the equations online, why sit in a class watching someone derive the band theory of electrons to discuss conductivity when you can just read it in a book?
Of course it's biased, it's a review on the worth of an educational entity, not a presentation of the reliability of Active Fiber Composite sensors strained beyond their tensile limits, measured with a calibrated strain gauge and compared to independent research findings.
this joey L is trying to be a dave hill..DH is the best, when it comes down to “painted looking” photos..but i would love to see the photos of these guys from the camera before enhancing 😉
Of course you're going to say it was worth it. You dropped a wad of cash on it. I got it for free from torrents and as a professional photographer i can say it was worthless. Natalia Taffarel is retoucher. I kept her DVD (after downloading it). Joey L is a hack. Mediocre at best. Not sure why Lara Jade is teaming up with him. Her work is far superior to his.